Wait, what?

Some interesting news from Utah today. The Mormon Church, also known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has supported ordinices in Salt Lake City that makes discrimination of gays in certain instances illegal. Those instances: not being fired or denied a job because of their sexual orientation as well as not being denied housing.

Now this is great, and I must admit that it warms my heart a little bit to see that those crazy Mormons recognize that homosexuals are kind of like people too, but it is not enough. The Church is still against Gay Marriage because they think that marriage should only be between a man and a woman (or in their case a man and as many women as he wants–sorry, that was an easy joke to make, but it was just too fine an opportunity to pass up). Plus, this is America after all, and I thought it was already illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation, religious beliefs, gender and race. Well, apparently not in Utah since SLC is the first (and only at this moment in time) community to enact ordinices of this kind. I am curious to see if and when others will follow suit.

Read more about it here.



So I have taken a break from writing on this blog. This has happened for three reasons:

1: I think I am suffering from malaise and apathy about what is happening in the world. In a word I feel: detached.

2: I have not been travelling much so I do not have many fun and interesting stories to tell about my travels.

3: I have been really busy with work, and I am also participating in NANO again this year, so what little time I have between work and hanging out at the pub has been spent working on that.

I hope to start writing here on a more regular basis, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.